The Favoured Few
Website of the Regular Force Cadet Association (Inc.) - RFCA

Fortes Fortuna Juvat
Between 1948 and 1991, over 5000 New Zealand youths, at an average of 120 per year, entered the Army’s elite Regular Force Cadet School or the “Club” as it was colloquially known. Less than 3% of those who applied to join made the grade. The Army accepted them as young as 15 into its ranks offering continued education, trade training and apprenticeships. Most would go on at age 18 to become the backbone of the New Zealand Army serving with distinction in Korea, Borneo, Malaya, Vietnam, Bosnia, Afghanistan, East Timor, Iraq and other regions of conflict as Senior Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs). A few would earn commissions as officers. Some went on to serve with the SAS and as key personnel of other Regular Force units.
Today they can be found in leadership roles in all aspects of business, social services, government and politics following their successful careers in the Army and other arms of the services, both at home and abroad. Coinciding with the end of the cold war the School closed its doors in 1991.
This site is for the “favoured few” who attended the RF Cadet School. The RFCA seeks to help maintain the comradeships of old and the like. Check out the various sections along the top of the page for all kinds of info about the people, events, and memories of the favoured few. And if you have something you would like to contribute to the site, we’re always up for it!
Current News
Watch this space.
Latest Blog Posts
Allan Wallbutton, Governors-General, Armistice Day
Noel (Shorty) Jamieson, Allen Class, El Alamein
Must-see movie, Pete Sheppard, Long Tan Salute
Click HERE or the heading above to view the year books.
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If you are an ex Cadet but not yet a member of RFCA and would like to join, or your membership needs renewing please click on one of the following links.
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Medals Reunited New Zealand
'reuniting lost medals with families'
Regimental Signet Rings
This is a unique opportunity to own a future personal heirloom that
is only available to those who were one of “The Favoured Few”