RF Cadet Birthday get-togethers
The Dickson Crest and the RF Cadet flag have been very visible over the last week as Clubbies celebrated the School’s birthday (15 July, 1948). Photos and reports flooded in from Wanganui, SE QLD, Nelson-Tasman-Marlborough, Wellington (Porirua), Hawkes Bay, and Tauranga/Mount Maunganui. For those areas who forgot to parade, it’s not too late – just make it a belated birthday bash!
Online Shop now Open All Hours
The RFCA’s online shop is open for business and you can now be relieved of your shekels faster than Arkwright’s till closes. Reprints of A Favoured Few (hard and soft cover versions), the Challenge Coin, a Dickson Crest Jacket Patch, an RF Cadet Flag, Plaque, Polo Shirt, or Tie, and your Association Membership Subscription can all be purchased or paid at https://www.rfcadet.org.nz/shop/ (or just click on “Shop” on our website’s menu bar).
Veterans’ Affairs
For those who have not acquainted themselves with what Veterans’ Affairs is all about, including the services it provides to veterans, take a look at www.veteransaffairs.mil.nz and find out – it’s well worth it!
RFCA Membership Drive
While our membership has been growing steadily, we are still keen to close the gap between our Facebook group numbers (over 1,400) and our paid-up RFCA members (nearly 500). To this end, you may see over the next few months some advertisements extolling the benefits of Association membership in some of the military or quasi-military organisations’ newsletters or websites that you get or visit. Of course, word-of-mouth is one of the best forms of advertising, so next time one of your Clubbie mates is looking enviously at your Challenge Coin, Dickson Crest Jacket Patch, RF Cadet Flag, or Polo Shirt, tell them to go to the online shop and pay their subscription, so they can get a discount on what they buy.
Shout out for Tribute pieces
If you have been reading the As You Were! blog posts, you will have seen the regular “Tribute – One of our own” pieces. Last month’s featured Bret Bestic, which was very well-received. We have also recognised Eru Brown, Steve Corry, Rusty Taylor, and others. Most of the tributes have been penned by Bob Davies – Steve Corry’s was written by Kerry Adkins – but because Bob was Infantry, it hurts when he writes, so we are looking for contributions from anyone who would like to pay tribute to or tell the story of an ex Cadet they see as worthy of this. If you have a person in mind, you can send an email to us at rfcadet1964@gmail.com
The Annual General Meeting of the Regular Force Cadet Association (Incorporated) will be held in the Kensington Room, Petone Workingmen’s Club, Udy Street, Petone at 1100 hours, Sunday 16 August 2020. All Notices of Motion are to be with the Secretary, Gordon Forrester, email rfcadet1964@gmail.com by 2 August 2020.