Message from the RFCA President

Fellow Clubbies

These are times more akin to war than peace at home.

I have seen on our Facebook page how we, as ex Cadets,  are reacting to the quickly changing battle front – with good humour, with encouragement to follow the orders of our Government and Prime Minister, and with concern for those who might be stressed and not coping with what is happening.

Our ANZAC Parades and gatherings have been cancelled. Our ex-cadet Area gatherings have quickly gone from raising a glass at a distance to remembering whose round it is when we next gather in what might be months rather than weeks. And we are still poking the borax at each other, much as we might have done in the barracks.

One of the funniest things currently doing the rounds on the internet is the post reminding us that our grandfathers (and great-grandfathers) fought in World Wars and that we are being asked to wash our hands and stay on the couch, with the exhortation to NOT fuck this up!

I think had we still been Cadets at this point, we probably would have used it as an opportunity to go AWOL. Now, as we move into response Alert 4 (the softest C.B. you could ever hope for) and being the now extremely mature and well-rounded individuals we have become through our Clubbie heritage, we are instead thinking of ways we can help each other, our families, and our communities.

Keep our flag flying high.



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